DEAR ABBY: I would like to share something special with you. What began as a simple little experiment to give me insight into the people around me ended up giving me more than just the warm fuzzies.
I asked some of those I work with and some close friends to answer the following question with the first thing that came to mind. I asked it exactly as stated with no emphasis on any one particular word: "If you could do any one thing in the world, what would it be?" Some of the answers were amusing. My co-workers answered: "Turn invisible." "Lose 50 pounds." "Educate the world." "I'd rule the world."
My friends answered: "Feel better about myself." "Feed the world" "Become a millionaire."
I asked my boyfriend of five months at the time the same question. Without hesitation, he answered, "I would give you a working pancreas." My jaw dropped, my heart melted and my eyes filled with tears. You see, Abby, I have had type II diabetes for nearly 10 years. Thankfully, I am very well controlled and healthy, yet he knows that the daily rituals that control my life will never go away.
I think I have finally met a man with my best interest at heart. How could I not love someone with such unselfish kindness? Maybe there is hope for the world after all! -- LANA A., ATLANTA
DEAR LANA A.: You picked yourself a Georgia peach, honey. Hang onto him -- he's a keeper.