DEAR ABBY: My good friend experienced a tragedy last night. Her ex-husband had their two little boys with him for a weekend visit. He got drunk, took them for a ride and got into a wreck.
The boys are 5 and 7, and the most precious, sweet and funny children. Now the youngest is paralyzed from the waist down, and there's a chance neither will make it.
It breaks my heart to see two such sweet little boys hooked up to machines, and not know if they'll be here for Santa to visit or not. We are praying for them.
Please, Abby, remind your readers that if they drive, they shouldn't drink -- and if they drink, to hand their keys to a sober friend or take a cab. -- DEVASTATED IN TRUSSVILLE, ALA.
DEAR DEVASTATED: Your letter is a chilling reminder of the innocent lives that can be snuffed out or irreversibly changed because of people driving under the influence. During this last holiday season of the century, let's all resolve to act maturely and responsibly while celebrating -- and maybe we'll all be here to welcome the year 2000.