DEAR ABBY: "Brett" and I have been married for six years. We have no children, although I would dearly love to have one. Brett has a child from a previous relationship.
When I bring up the subject of having a child, he agrees, but when I tell him I am ovulating, he says he's too tired to try, or he makes up another excuse.
I have asked for a divorce several times, but Brett says he will not divorce me. This is extremely frustrating for me. He knows I am taking prenatal pills and buying ovulation kits. I have also threatened to get artificially inseminated or to adopt. I feel as if I'm living in hell. What do I do? -- ACHING TO BE A MOMMY
DEAR ACHING: Forget about artificial insemination or adopting without your husband's support, unless you are ready to raise a child by yourself. Your husband has serious issues about becoming a father again, and it's time you found out what they are. Marriage counseling might help you get to the bottom of it.
That said, you do not need your husband's permission to end this marriage. If you have reached your limit, consult an attorney who specializes in family law. If you married Brett with the understanding that there would be children, you may qualify for an annulment.