DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend of one year, "Eddie," has been invited to the wedding of a waitress who works at a restaurant/bar he frequents. I was not invited. Eddie doesn't dance and has slow danced with me only once. When I told him I would not appreciate him slow dancing with anyone there, we had a heated argument. Eddie told me I have no right to tell him what to do and that I'm trying to control him.
I have run this by many people -- male and female -- and they all say it's inappropriate to slow dance with anyone but your significant other, especially when she's not present.
I feel Eddie has little regard for my feelings. If he really cared for me, he wouldn't want to dance with anyone else. I am interested in your thoughts. -- HIS ONLY DANCE PARTNER
DEAR HIS ONLY: If you would like to "graduate" from girlfriend to fiancee, you will stop trying to control him and tell him you hope he has a good time at the wedding.
Insecurity is not an attractive trait, so calm down and recognize that a dance is only a dance. From your description of Eddie's lack of ability, I seriously doubt he will be a sought-after partner on any dance floor.