DEAR ABBY: I am a 16-year-old girl from Serbia. I have been in U.S. for two years and I'm studying English in an ESL class. I read your column and could use some help to solve my problem because I am very upset.
I have known my best friend, "Vanessa," for a year and a half. She is my age and we were very close. She had to leave school because her family moved. I can't visit her because she is too far away. I cried because I don't know if she is going to remember me or if she is going to forget all about me. I'm so afraid I am going to lose her. Can you help me? -- SAD IN BUFFALO
DEAR SAD: You are obviously doing well in your ESL studies, and for that I congratulate you. Because you and Vanessa no longer live close does not mean that you can't still be friends. Although she has moved to a different geographical location, you can maintain a friendship because she is as near as your phone or computer.
Because you want to still be a part of her life, keep her updated on what is going on in your life and ask her to do the same. That is the way long-distance relationships are maintained, and some of them have been known to last a lifetime.