DEAR ABBY: One of my best friends just got engaged and I'm invited to the wedding. My problem is, my ex-best friend is in the bridal party, and I don't know how to act if I see her and have to talk to her. She terminated our friendship without giving me a reason. Not only that, she has been spreading lies about me to mutual friends, some of whom now refuse to talk to me.
I have no idea what I did or didn't do. No one knows why she is spreading rumors, and I don't want there to be drama at my friend's wedding and bachelorette party. What can I do? -- UNSURE IN THE WEST
DEAR UNSURE: If your former best friend is unwilling to explain why she ended the friendship and has been spreading false rumors, you can't force her. Obviously, her malicious lies haven't had any effect on the bride.
Go to the party and the wedding, mingle with those who haven't chosen sides, be gracious and steer clear of the nasty bridesmaid, if you can. That way, if there is any drama at either function, you won't be the person who created it, and the person who will look bad will be the troublemaker.