DEAR ABBY: I have been married for three years. We are both retired. Five months after the wedding, my husband let me know that he wasn't interested in having sex anymore. We no longer share a bedroom. He's overweight, not in the best of health, and refuses to change his diet or exercise.
I feel like I am living with a very nice male friend. Other than the lack of affection, he isn't a bad person and he pays all the bills. I did state clearly to him before we were married what I was looking for in a husband, and he agreed to everything I said. Although I am lonely, I would never cheat on him.
I have been thinking about an exit plan. We pray every night and attend church together. He refuses to consider any type of marriage counseling. I'm not stressed, but I know I must get out of here. Any suggestions on how to save this marriage? -- THE EXIT PLAN
DEAR EXIT: The answer to your question is no. You made clear to your husband that sex in a marriage was important to you. You say he "agreed to everything." Because that was not the truth and you were misled, consult an attorney to find out if the marriage can be annulled.