DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend and I have been involved for five years. He was sentenced to prison for 3 1/2 years. Before he left, we had a really rocky relationship. He cheated on me with multiple women, some of whom he continued on with during his prison sentence. I was pregnant when he went away, so I am now raising our child alone.
Fast-forward to the present: He and I are doing extremely well. I see major changes, and we truly believe we can make it work when he's released at the end of next year. My problem is, I have done some things that are eating away at me. I have had numerous relations while he has been away, all the while letting him think I'm this perfect stay-at-home fiancee and mother.
Although none of my affairs have been serious, I'm sure if he finds out, it would be the end of us. I'm scared and confused about what to do. I love him dearly and truly want to spend eternity with him. What should my next step be? -- IMPERFECT, TOO, IN FLORIDA
DEAR IMPERFECT: Your next step should be to tell your boyfriend the truth. While you're at it, tell him you didn't reveal it before because you weren't proud of it and didn't want to worry him while he was locked up. You really have no other option because someone who knows you may let it slip, which would be worse than his hearing from you.
From your description, your baby's father is no angel -- and he should not expect you to be one, either. By the way, your telling him will not be the "end of you." You are the mother of his child, and he is legally obligated to support that child until he or she is no longer a minor.
P.S. Because you and your boyfriend have been sexually active with multiple partners, you should both be checked for STDs.