DEAR ABBY: I've been married for more than 30 years. My husband and I split all bills and everything else. This has worked because, in life, I have always taken care of myself. My issue is his cheap attitude about every little dime. He always makes sure I pay my fair share to the penny, but when it comes to his reimbursing me, he usually rounds down to the dollar.
While he's tight with the family, he's generous to everyone else. He is generous not only with his money, but also his time. His stinginess toward me makes me feel I'm unimportant to him. (I am very generous to him.) Why are our family and I lowest on his priority list while he's so generous to everyone else? -- FEELING SLIGHTED IN CALIFORNIA
DEAR FEELING: Your husband may have cultivated the reputation of being benevolent and munificent because he feels it is to his advantage. He may not feel the need to impress you and other family members because he sees no advantage in it. What a miserable, miserly husband you have. I'm surprised that rather than write to me, you haven't confronted him about it. Things might have been different if had you spoken up decades ago.