DEAR ABBY: I am a 30-something single gay man. My parents are older and have a strained marriage. They no longer have a relationship but stay together. I live with them because of money issues, and they sometimes need assistance. I do not have the ability to bring friends or dates over, and I feel as if my mental health is being affected because of this, among other things.
I own the house we live in, but because my folks are helping me, I feel I can't tell them to leave. They irritate me to no end, and I feel awful about that. What can I do to encourage them to leave me alone? -- FRUSTRATED IN PENNSYLVANIA
DEAR FRUSTRATED: You and your parents are all adults. In a sense, your relationship with them now is its own "marriage of convenience." You are overdue for a frank conversation with your parents about boundaries and privacy. You should be able to entertain friends, and your folks should give you the space to do it. You should also care less what they think about the way you conduct your life. You are a big boy now, and as an adult, you can do what you like.