DEAR ABBY: My husband and I own a parrot we take with us pretty much everywhere. He draws a lot of attention and questions from strangers, which I'm usually happy to answer.
You might be surprised at how many people own or have owned birds, and many of them love to share their stories about how their parrot or parakeet died. (It's often from neglect or improper care or breeding.) These stories are often related in a jovial way, as if they should be amusing or relatable. It really upsets me to have to stand there nodding with fake amusement or sympathy. I am tempted to say something snarky, but I refrain.
I love birds, and I don't like being reminded how disposably they are treated. People don't tend to share graphic stories about dead dogs, cats or children in public. It makes me sad to hear about their dead birds every time I go outside to enrich my own pet's life. What can I say to stop this unwanted and depressing storytelling before it gets started? -- BIRD LOVER IN NORTH CAROLINA
DEAR BIRD LOVER: Try being honest and telling these people that hearing about their experience makes you sad, and why. That should shut 'em up.