DEAR HARRIETTE: I’ve been trying to buy a house for the past year. I feel like every time I find something that I want and that will work, something goes wrong. I have all of my money and credit in order and am ready to pull the trigger, but there’s a problem with either the property company, the lender, the Realtors, the sellers or the house, or something else will feel off that makes me hesitate on finishing the contract. I have had to back out of four different deals for all different reasons.
I am ready to give up and stay where I am and keep renting. I am unhappy where I am, but I feel like anything new is going to be a step down now. I need some light to keep me focused. How can I stay motivated? -- It's Never Right
DEAR IT’S NEVER RIGHT: Have patience. Buying property is a big decision. Trust your instincts. It’s better that you walked away from four different deals than to have signed yourself and your resources into something that you regret.
Pause for a moment and think about what you really want in a house. What are your top priorities? Write them down so that you can have your list top of mind as you consider other properties. Take your time and follow your list. You will find the right property for you.