DEAR HARRIETTE: I started gardening as a way to unwind and connect with nature, and I’ve been loving it. However, it seems my enthusiasm might be causing some issues with my neighbors. They’ve mentioned that the noise from my gardening tools and the mess from soil and plant debris are becoming a problem for them. I truly find peace in this hobby and don’t want to give it up, but I also don’t want to create discomfort in my community. I’m trying to balance my enjoyment with being a good neighbor. What are some ways I can continue my gardening activities while addressing their concerns? Should I adjust the times I garden? I want to keep the peace while still enjoying my new passion. -- Gardening Neighbor Trouble
DEAR GARDENING NEIGHBOR TROUBLE: You are wise to consider how to enjoy your hobby and keep peace with your neighbors. Yes, you should adjust your gardening times, preferably to hours when most people are awake so that the noise doesn’t impact their sleep. If your neighbors enjoy eating outside, do your best not to garden at mealtimes, at least not if you have to use loud tools.
You also say they complain about the mess. Commit to being a tidy gardener. Clean up after yourself. Make sure your lawn always looks presentable. Don’t leave debris on the sidewalk or anywhere within view. By making an effort to address their concerns and reassuring them that you are doing so, you may be able to calm their concerns.