DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m in a really tough spot with my two best friends. Recently, they had a huge falling-out over something pretty serious, and it’s escalated to the point where they’re not speaking to each other. They’ve each been confiding in me about their side of the story, and while I’ve been trying my best to listen and be supportive, it feels like they’re each expecting me to take sides. The problem is, I care about both of them deeply, and I don’t want to lose either friendship. I feel like if I lean too much toward one friend, the other will feel betrayed, and I could end up caught in the middle of their drama. I hate the idea of being forced to choose between them or having to take on the role of mediator.
On top of this, it’s becoming exhausting to constantly hear them vent about each other. I don’t want to seem unsupportive by asking them to stop, but I also don’t want to get dragged into their conflict or let it affect my own mental health. How can I maintain my relationships with both of them without getting pulled into their issues? -- Friend Chasm
DEAR FRIEND CHASM: The best thing you can do is stop talking to each of them about the other. Draw a line, and tell them how much you love them and want to remain friends with both of them. You are so sorry that they are fighting right now, but you do not want to take sides or have to choose between them. Once the boundary is clear, stop engaging either of them on this topic. Hopefully, you will be able to maintain both friendships. Better yet, it will be amazing if the two of them would rekindle their relationship. In the meantime, the way you can protect yourself is to disengage from any conversation about their issues.