Each day, Andrews McMeel Syndication Almanac features fun and interesting information relevant to the date, including sports and historical events, facts and birthdays. It also traces the phases of the moon.
About Andrews McMeel Syndication
Andrews McMeel Syndication is the largest independent content syndicate in the world and a leading digital entertainment provider of humor, comic strips, political cartoons and other content for print, Web and mobile devices. Andrews McMeel Syndication provides editorial development, licensing and other distribution services for iconic brands such as Doonesbury, Dear Abby, Miss Manners and some of the most significant comics in history, including Calvin and Hobbes, Garfield, Peanuts, Dilbert, For Better or For Worse, Cathy and Ziggy. Recent standout successes include Lio, Cul de Sac, Pearls Before Swine, Get Fuzzy, Big Nate and The Argyle Sweater. A full comic catalog can be found at GoComics.com or via its mobile/tablet app on multiple platforms. For more information on Andrews McMeel Syndication, visit UniversalUclick.com. To stay informed about news pertaining to Andrews McMeel Syndication, its content and creators, follow the company’s Twitter handle @UniversalUclick.