DEAR DR. NERDLOVE: 6 months ago I broke up with my bf of 5 years I’m 32 and thought we would have a life together. We lived together and had a dog together. Going into the relationship I had trust issues but he always said he wanted to be with me have a future etc. However throughout the entire relationship he never posted a single photo of me on his social media and would hide his phone and lie about messaging girls. Girls names would pop up once even a new account on his Netflix. When I questioned him he deleted it. When I questioned him about it he would shut me down say I had nothing to worry about that his social media was just for his car or that my concerns were my anxiety.
The break up was bad when I moved out he had agreed for us to share our dog then he just changed his mind and told me I would never see the dog again and got abusive. My question is how can I move on or trust even myself now ? I see a therapist but losing our dog broke my heart. I’ve started to question my reality like was I wrong to question him messaging other people. Or was I valid. I don’t understand the situation it has made me feel like I was wrong to react to his behaviour. Could it be possible I was wrong or are these valid concerns and behaviours to expect a partner not to do.
My head and heart hurt so much. I believed he cheated but he never admitted anything he always swore he did nothing. I’m worried I ruined my life by leaving the relationship I’d like to know if you think they were valid concerns. I loved him a lot I feel as though I put up with bad treatment but it’s so hard to put to rest when I’ll never get answers from him.
Shattered and Alone
DEAR SHATTERED AND ALONE: Let’s put this right at the top: your ex was a deeply s--tty, toxic and outright abusive pile of radioactive sludge who was a waste of the two minutes that it took to conceive him. I think you should’ve dumped him so hard his grandparents got divorced retroactively. Leaving your f—khead ex is probably the best thing you’ve done and it’s only a shame that you didn’t do so sooner so that it would never occur to you to ask if you somehow ruined your life by doing so.
Here’s what you need to understand: what your ex was doing is what’s known as “gaslighting”. Now I know that this is a word that gets tossed around and misused a lot, so I want to be clear: I don’t mean he was lying to you or trying to deceive you – which he absolutely was. When I say he was gaslighting you, I mean that he was trying to get you to question your very sense of what was real and true and making it so that you didn’t or couldn’t trust your own eyes and judgement. That is precisely why you feel so uprooted and confused; he was going out of his way to damage your grasp on reality.
Here is another thing you need to understand: whether he cheated on you or not is irrelevant. It is a distraction. If he cheated, then that is just the rancid cherry on a sundae of abuse; whether he did or he didn’t doesn’t change the fundamental fact that his behavior is that the way that he treated you was beyond the pale. Even if all of his weird behavior – having other women’s names on his Netflix account where you would see it?? – was above board, the way he went about everything and would turn it all back on you is enough to warrant getting the f--k out of this relationship.
You didn’t (and don’t, nor will you in the future) need some causus belli in order to break up with someone. You can break up with someone for any reason, including “the way he behaves makes me feel unsecure and uncertain, even if he’s technically not doing anything wrong”. If he cheated, then yes, that’s one more check mark in the “he’s horrible” list. But even if he didn’t, the rest of his behavior more than validates your decision to get the f--k out. Up to and especially taking the dog.
(That’s the sort of thing that makes me go “John Wick had the right idea.”)
And here’s the important thing: it’s possible that there were innocent and understandable reasons for at least some of his behavior. It is possible, for example, that not posting pictures of you on his social media wasn’t him trying to hide that he’s in a relationship; not everyone posts about who they’re dating or keeps things strictly about them. But even if individual actions and behaviors are on the up and up, that doesn’t change the sum totality of his behavior or the way that he treated you. Under the most generous – and I mean “needing to be The Buddha” levels of generosity – interpretation of things would be “he handled things incredibly badly. But I’m not the Buddha and he sounds like a s--tbird that you’re well rid of.
Here is the final thing that you need to understand: you don’t need answers from him. He’s already proven through his actions, that he’s never going to admit to wrong-doing, never going to give you the truth and certainly not going to give you closure. But that’s ok because you don’t need it from him. Closure is a gift that you give yourself. The closure you ultimately need is to acknowledge that this was a bad relationship and it’s good that you left it.
Here’s what to tell yourself about those unanswered questions: the answers don’t matter because they’re the wrong questions. The question isn’t “was he cheating” and “did I ruin my life by leaving him”, it’s “what can I take from this so that I don’t end up in a relationship with someone like him going forward?” It’s “How do I love myself in a way that makes it possible to heal these wounds, so I can trust someone who’s deserving of my trust in the future?” Those are the questions you need to answer, because those are the questions that matter.
The best thing you can do right now isn’t to get a confession from him, it’s to forget him so that he never occupies another nanosecond of your time. I know that this hurts, but that will fade as you let him go and give yourself the closure you’re looking for. Your ex is in the past, and that’s where he should be left. Your focus should be on the future – your future – and how you’re going to make it a good one for yourself.
You’ll be ok. I promise.
All will be well.
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