DEAR NATALIE: I was totally blindsided by my boyfriend breaking up with me over the holidays. We have been together for five years and have been looking at homes. I thought he was going to be proposing over Christmas, but instead on New Year’s Eve, he told me that, “he couldn’t start another year with me and this was our last day together.” Literal exact words. He has moved out of our apartment since and I have heard through some friends that he has already been seeing one of our mutual friends. I want to confront him about this as I feel we have unfinished business. He didn’t give me a reason for the breakup and I am truly horrified that I wasted so many years with this liar. How do I deal with him, and how do I confront the woman he is with? She clearly helped break us up. Advice? –BAD START TO 2025
DEAR BAD START TO 2025: Thank goodness that you didn’t get engaged to this guy. While it may hurt a lot right now, the universe is clearly protecting you. I can understand why you would still feel as though you need closure after five years together. You can’t just turn off your feelings. But I have to ask you this: What will you gain from a conversation with someone who has so little respect for you? You may end up feeling much worse than you already do. I wouldn’t give this guy any more power over you. Instead, if you want to express yourself, write him a letter. Send it to him or burn it after you write it. Either way, this gives you the opportunity to say exactly what it is you need to say without him gaslighting you or deflecting his feelings. As for her, whether or not she broke up your relationship doesn’t really matter at this point. I would ice her out and move on. The best revenge is a happy life. Don’t let either of them steal that from you.
DEAR NATALIE: My wife and I have been together for seven years and we’ve decided that we want to have a baby. The only issue is, since we are both women, we have to decide who should carry the baby. We both want to do it. I have always dreamed of being pregnant and the idea of having a child with the woman I love and carrying our baby is something I want to do. She has similar feelings. Our mothers say that we should flip a coin. My doctor says we should go in for exams and see who might be the “best candidate” to carry a baby. I feel like this is starting to turn into the Hunger Games. What should we do? – BABY HUNGER GAMES
DEAR BABY HUNGER GAMES: While I love the idea of flipping a coin, I would err on the side of science for this one. It may be easier for one of you to become pregnant and also carry safely to term. Why not consult with a doctor first? If there really isn’t much of a difference between either of you carrying the baby, then you may have to decide through open and honest communication. How many children do you want to have? Perhaps one of you tries first and then the other if you want a second child? If you want to be one and done, you have to sit down and talk this through. You may want to engage a couples’ therapist who is well versed on fertility issues to guide you. The last thing you want to do is have this come between you. At the end of the day, this child will be lucky to be born into such a loving home with two parents. Remember that’s the goal at the end of the day.
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