Late afternoon was receding into early evening, and my dinner plans were starting to feel a little desperate.
Dinner is a highly anticipated meal during Ramadan, when we fast from dawn to sunset. My energy level dips significantly midway through the month, and I start running out of ideas of what to make.
On this particular day, we had a packet of ground beef in the fridge and few other ingredients. No tortillas or shells, so tacos were out. No buns, so forget burgers. I had made keema with peas last week and didn’t feel like anything heavily spiced. My husband suggested spaghetti, but it sounded uninspired.
I turned to the internet and searched for easy ground beef recipes with limited ingredients. The first result -- Salisbury steak -- took me straight back to elementary school. My mother, who is an exceptional cook, prepared delicious Pakistani meals for us nearly every night. While I enjoyed everything she made, my siblings and I looked forward to the special nights when we got TV dinners.
Looking back, I can imagine how my mother must have felt about our excitement when she pulled those aluminum-covered trays from the oven. This was the only time we had "authentic" American food at home for dinner -- that sectioned meal of meat with gravy, steamed peas and carrots, mashed potatoes and a little square for dessert.
Dr. James H. Salisbury promoted this faux steak dish, which is a pan-fried hamburger patty covered in gravy, in 1888 as part of a meat-centric diet he was pushing. I had no idea of its history, but it sounded exotic in our home. In the TV dinner version, the meat patty was adorned with fake grill markings on top, making it look like a steak’s poorer relation.
Deep in childhood nostalgia, I announced that I would be making Salisbury steaks for dinner. My husband looked confused by the selection but didn’t argue. When you are hungry, any food cooked for you sounds good. I combined two recipes, one from Pioneer Woman and another that declared this was not your childhood Salisbury steak. Both recipes called for ground beef seasoned with an array of condiments and mild spices. They also included recipes for mushroom gravy, but we didn’t have any mushrooms.
The last time I went grocery shopping while I was fasting, I ended up with two bags of chips, popcorn, a pint of ice cream and sugar cones. I decided we could make do with the jar of thin, store-made gravy I had on hand. I made mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables for the full TV dinner effect.
The Salisbury steak was certainly edible. It helped that I was starving by the time we broke our fast on this dinner.
Some foods taste better in your memories.
I went back to the internet to find photos of the exact brand we ate in the 1980s and read a description that made me gasp. All those processed Salisbury steak TV dinners were made of beef and PORK.
Muslims do not eat anything that comes from a pig. I couldn’t believe it. I guess we didn’t have the wherewithal or experience back then to suspect there was pork lurking in something that looked so beeflike on the container.
My mother, who is a deeply religious woman, has only ever eaten meat that is Islamically butchered (similar to kosher). She never once touched a TV dinner and would have been devastated to know that her children devoured those meat patties spiked with swine.
“Don’t tell her,” my husband advised.
This was not the Ramadan news I wished to share with her, but I couldn’t keep the Salisbury steak secret to myself. I alerted my siblings in our group chat, who were also horrified. This bumpy trip down memory lane taught me that we should have been more grateful for our mom’s cooking.
Neither of the contemporary recipes I found online included pork in the ingredients. I think the gravy might have made the difference in my first attempt. My husband ended up buying a pound of sliced mushrooms the next time he went grocery shopping.
I’m giving the leftover Salisbury steaks another chance.