When political leaders and their administrations lie, their reasons are typically obvious: They’re trying to either get out of trouble, exaggerate their wins or justify bad acts by manipulating the public.
It’s such a common part of political discourse that most Americans are willing to overlook some level of dishonesty, especially when a politician is advancing an agenda they personally support.
Democrats didn’t make a big fuss when former President Joe Biden backtracked on his promise not to pardon his son, Hunter Biden. He justified the pardon by saying his son was politically persecuted. Some agreed with that, and some didn’t. But most people can recognize a father wanting to protect his son.
Many of former President Barack Obama’s biggest whoppers involved him exaggerating his accomplishments -- the “biggest middle-class tax cut” was not, in fact, the biggest -- or minimizing his mistakes: He blamed “90% of the deficit” on his predecessor, George W. Bush -- also untrue.
We expect this kind of hyperbole and blame-shifting from political leaders across the board because we recognize the motivation instantly. Bill Clinton’s infamous lies about his sexual encounters with a White House intern were transparently about trying to avoid embarrassment and save his job.
We may know people who have lied in order to get a job. So, it wasn't as shocking when Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh repeatedly said that Roe v. Wade was “settled as precedent” -- and then proceeded to overturn this “settled law” after he got the lifetime gig.
One of the most destructive lies of a previous administration -- the Bush administration claiming Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction when he didn’t -- led to hundreds of thousands of deaths. The administration was set on invading Iraq and sold a story to the American public to justify it.
Those heinous lies had recognizable motivations: vengeance and greed.
But now we have the most prolific and bizarre liar in the White House. Now, many of Donald Trump’s lies are standard-issue self-aggrandizement and blame shifting. But a significant percentage are an outright denial of reality. When confronted with evidence disproving a lie, he doubles down on it.
For example, he keeps repeating the deranged, fake claim that the Biden administration funded surgeries on “transgender mice.” He seems to think “transgenic mice” are transgender -- they are not -- but even when repeatedly corrected, he’s doubled down on this insane lie.
He did the same thing when he was called out on his strange lies about his administration blocking $50 million in funding for condoms for Hamas. There’s not a shred of evidence to support this ridiculous claim. And the media scrambled for a day trying to figure out what might have led him to believe such a stupid thing.
Of course, he’s told far more serious and damaging lies, like saying Ukraine started the war (Russia did) or that the Jan. 6 rioters were peaceful (they incited deadly violence). Still, even his opponents can see the motivations there: to support Putin and reward the violent element in his base, respectively.
But listening to him and his minions repeat the weird lies about transgender mice and Hamas using U.S.-provided condoms to make bombs leaves rational thinkers deeply unsettled. What motivates a leader to intentionally look like a fool and laughingstock? An easy explanation may be that his people are trying to distract attention from open corruption, their more consequential lies or the cratering stock market and rising prices.
Here’s a far more unsettling explanation: Conditioning people to accept the most outlandish lies is a step toward leading them to accept true atrocities. If you can get enough of the population to believe in transgender mice, you can convince them to accept things that may ordinarily violate their moral code or established social norms.
Students of history have seen that play before.
Listening to the most powerful people in the country make claims that are so detached from reality makes the rest of us question their sanity and stability -- and fearful of how this has become acceptable in society.
The less obvious motivations may be to turn more of his loyalists into followers who cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy and to embed fear and confusion among his detractors.
When parents are trying to teach children to be truthful, they talk about the consequences of lies and the morality of truth. Young children may still be figuring out the difference between fact and fiction and developing morality around lying. Trump’s weirdest lies make us question whether the 78-year-old leader of the free world believes his made-up alternative reality and if he has the mental capacity of a toddler. Or is he so devoid of moral fiber that lying is as natural as breathing?
Either way, he doesn’t care if these lies make him look insane and foolish in the short term because they serve an authoritarian purpose.
Those of us who oppose his administration’s destructive policies -- creating a trade war, detaining legal residents without any charges and shutting down government agencies and departments -- are left wondering whether a debate about policy is even possible with people who believe in transgender mice.
Trump clearly grasps the concept of a lie since he rightly accused the Bush administration of lying about the disastrous Iraq War.
But he lacks the self-awareness to realize he’s become our very own Baghdad Bob.