DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My granddaughter and her boyfriend have been riding a rollercoaster of a relationship since they were in their late teens. So, for the better part of ten years, including right now, I honestly can’t tell you if they are in an on or an off phase.
This is, of course, their business, but what happens is since we live very near each other, it is virtually impossible not to run into her parents, who I have also known all their lives, and I never know if their daughter and my grandson are even speaking to one another or not.
Do you think it would be rude if I simply avoid any mention of their daughter when I run into her parents or any other of her relatives? I worry it would come off as being rude not to ask about everyone, like you normally would when you meet up with someone you know, but I always feel like I’m treading on thin ice in this case. --- DO I ASK?
DEAR DO I ASK: If your grandson and his sometimes girlfriend have as changeable a status as you say, I suppose it’s possible you’re not alone in being unable to keep up with where the relationship is on any given day.
When you see her folks, I’d keep the conversation as general as possible. You can inquire about how the family members you’ve encountered are doing and go no further.
And if all else fails, there’s the old golden rule of safe, polite conversation ‒ stick to the weather.
These days that’s an interesting enough topic.