DEAR ABBY: In a recent column a reader stated that many cannot afford to take the time to serve on a jury -- and the system is now outdated.
Abby, 60 years ago, when I was on our high school debating team, a popular subject was, "Should the present jury system be abolished?"
I believed then that our jury system should be abolished, and I certainly do now.
A panel of three judges would serve justice more efficiently, more honestly and more expeditiously. -- LOUIS C. RAVIN, M.D., BOCA RATON, FLA.
DEAR DR. RAVIN: My mail thus far is overwhelmingly critical of our present jury selection system. Read on:
DEAR ABBY: I served as a juror on 11 cases, and I will find a reason to be excused if I am ever called again. I think all jurors should be required to pass some kind of intelligence test. As it is now, the lawyer who puts on the best show is the one most jurors will agree with. -- NAMELESS IN SAN FRANCISCO