DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: I am beginning to worry about my boyfriend and his obsession with cocktails.
I like a glass of wine with meals and have a cocktail when out with friends. I see that as fine. But my boyfriend not only constantly collects recipes for cocktails, but he has started planning our weekends around distillery tastings and trying new drinks at local bars.
His birthday is in mid-January and he told me if anyone asks for gift ideas, he is mostly interested in building his home bar up so that he can mix more drinks. He sent me the link to a mixology class he wants me to help pay for as my gift to him. I heard him joking with his brother that maybe he can quit his job and become a professional bartender.
I don’t like when he says stuff like that. He is a smart guy with a job people would give a lot to have.
How do I know if this is just a thing he’s into right now or if he is getting too serious about his interest in mixing fancy drinks? --- MAKES ME NERVOUS
DEAR MAKES ME NERVOUS: I’m not the person to ask about your boyfriend’s true intentions. He is, and it may be time for you to discuss his interest in mixology with him.
People pursue all sorts of hobbies, and this might simply be one for him. Joking with someone about quitting their job to go pro in a field they like or admire is a far cry from their actually doing it.
Talk to your boyfriend about your worries. His response could give you what you need to figure out what his true intentions are.