DEAR ABBY: A friend of mine recently asked if I would be the best man at his wedding. Of course, I told him I would be happy to. However, there is one problem: What exactly do I do? I want to make sure I'm performing all the duties that are expected.
Would you please print a "job description" for me and all the other best men out there who are not completely sure what they are doing? It would be greatly appreciated. -- THE BEST, BUT A LITTLE LOST IN NEW YORK
DEAR BEST: It is an honor to be the best man, and one that is usually accorded to a brother or closest friend. As I point out in my booklet, "How to Have a Lovely Wedding," the best man's job is to help the wedding proceed smoothly. The duties vary somewhat, depending on the type of wedding, but they typically include:
-- Making sure the ushers have their attire and appear for the ceremony on time;
-- Providing his own outfit;
-- Acting as a witness and signing the marriage license;
-- Either separately or with the ushers, providing a gift for the groom;
-- Attending the rehearsal, and rehearsal dinner, if there is one;
-- Volunteering to help the bride's mother in any way he can;
-- Arranging for the bachelor dinner;
-- Helping the groom dress and accompanying him to the church;
-- Taking charge of the wedding ring;
-- Presenting the clergy with the envelope containing the fee for the ceremony;
-- Offering the first toast to the bride and groom;
-- Mingling with the guests at the reception;
-- Helping the groom dress for going away;
-- Checking the car and luggage, and reconfirming the hotel reservations;
-- Driving the couple to the airport or hotel.