DEAR ABBY: I recently discovered that my fiance has been seeing another woman for the past year and a half. He swears that I am the one he loves, and he still wants us to get married. However, I'm having difficulty digesting all that has happened. To make matters worse, the other woman is pregnant.
What should I do? I love him, but will I be able to trust him? Should I marry him and live with the knowledge of his affair and love child for the rest of my life? -- DEVASTATED IN NEW YORK
DEAR DEVASTATED: I can't decide that for you. The question you must ask yourself is how will it affect you as your husband supports the child he fathered during your engagement, and your own ability to accept the child if your husband wants it to be part of your lives. After all, it's his flesh and blood.
Your fiance has committed a serious breach of trust, and you are right to question both his truthfulness and his ability to be monogamous. A relationship that has lasted a year and a half isn't a "fling" or a one-night stand. Proceed with caution.