DEAR ABBY: In December of last year, I was traveling to college to take my final exams when I was in a serious automobile accident. It had been snowing most of the morning and I lost control of my car. I hit the guardrail, a large truck, a tree -- and ended up in a ditch.
When my car stopped spiraling out of control, I got out, and as I stood in the snow, I screamed but no sounds came out. I was crying, but no tears rolled down my cheeks. My body was in shock.
The first person to stop at the accident was Molly. She came to me, put her arms around me and held me. When she did that, I collapsed. I was so scared and so alone. She took me to her car where it was warm and safe. She calmed me by telling me about her young children and her Christmas tree. She was like a guardian angel. We sat in her car until the state police arrived.
After the police and rescue arrived, everything happened so fast I never got the chance to give Molly a hug and properly thank her.
Abby, would you please print my letter and my message to this dear woman? I'd like to say, "Molly, thank you for what you did for me. You were an angel, and I'll never forget you." -- SHEBA COTE, WINSLOW, MAINE
DEAR SHEBA: I'm pleased to publish your letter and message. Guardian angels are people who think first with their hearts. If Molly wasn't a heavenly angel, she was as close to one as a human being can get on that snowy day. Thank you for sharing your story.