DEAR ABBY: I'm 51 and on SSI because I'm disabled. In order to have a roof over my head, I have shared housing. I left the last house-sharing situation because it was dangerous for my grandchildren to visit me. Then I moved in with "Mr. Blank."
Abby, this man treats me like a princess. I don't have to do anything I don't want to do. In fact, I could sleep all day if I want to. I love living here.
The problem is, Mr. Blank thinks he's in love with me and wants to tell his children that we are a couple. Abby, he's much older than I am, and I don't think I could ever love him the way he wants me to. (I quit looking for a love match years ago.) However, I would have no place to go if he became angry and asked me to move.
Mr. Blank reads your column every day, so please help me by printing my letter. Perhaps he will recognize himself and understand that I can't make a commitment to him, but I want to remain his friend. -- HAPPY HOUSEMATE
DEAR HAPPY HOUSEMATE: In case Mr. Blank does not recognize himself in my column, I suggest you set the record straight with him yourself. Tell him how much you love living there and how much you appreciate his kindness, but let him know that you are not looking for a commitment. Assure him that it's nothing personal, but you stopped looking for love a long time ago, and if you change your mind, he'll be the first to know. Good luck!