DEAR ABBY: I had a potluck party at my house seven weeks ago. A friend who was a guest at the party left her Crock-Pot at my house.
I have been waiting for her to call me to arrange a time for her to pick it up. She hasn't called. After the new year, she remarked, "So how long are you going to hold my Crock-Pot hostage?" I was too aghast to respond to her. Abby, how can I get her to pick up her Crock-Pot at my house? She lives 30 miles away. Is it my responsibility to drive 30 miles to return it? Or should she pick it up? -- CROCK-POT CONFUSED IN WASHINGTON STATE
DEAR CONFUSED: Why stand on ceremony? Make a lunch or dinner date with your friend and meet her halfway. She did you a favor by bringing food to your party, so pick up the phone and arrange to return her Crock-Pot. It would be a gracious gesture.