DEAR ABBY: In less than two months, I'm to be an attendant in my best friend's wedding. There's just one problem -- I'm in love with the groom.
For the last 18 months, we have been attending the same school. His fiancee lives far away. In my opinion, he and I are perfect for each other. We make each other laugh and we have so much in common. This isn't just a crush, and I can't imagine life without him. Sometimes it seems like he has feelings for me, too. He makes comments that make me think he's torn between her and me.
Abby, should I tell him how I feel, or keep my mouth shut and fulfill my role as bridesmaid in the wedding? Please help. -- HOPELESSLY IN LOVE
DEAR HOPELESSLY: Perhaps you and the groom don't have as much in common as you seem to think. You may laugh together and have similar interests, but if he loved you as you are hoping he does, he wouldn't be going to the altar with your best friend. Trust me, if he felt as you do, he would have made it plain by now.
If you can, put your wishful thinking on the back burner, fulfill your attendant's duties and be a part of the wedding. However, if there's any chance that your feelings will surface during the wedding, beg off your commitment now so the bride will have time to replace you.