DEAR ABBY: My best friend is being married this summer, and she has asked me to be one of her bridesmaids. We have been friends since the third grade. My parents have always treated her like one of their own children. We see her only a couple of times a year now, because she moved 800 miles away.
Abby, I recently learned that my parents are not invited to the wedding. Am I wrong to feel hurt that they are excluded? If she had to limit the number of guests, why didn't she just omit my sisters and make room for my parents, who have always been so good to her?
I always thought that proper etiquette requires the parents of wedding attendants to be invited to the wedding. Am I wrong? -- NETTLED IN NANTUCKET
DEAR NETTLED: Although most etiquette experts say the parents of attendants should be invited to the wedding, Emily Post explains that it is a nice gesture when feasible, but not necessary. It's possible that budget constraints caused your friend to limit her guest list. Please give her the benefit of the doubt. Don't take this personally or allow it to sour a lifelong friendship.