DEAR ABBY: My wife and I made a serious mistake. We told some friends that we were planning a vacation cruise and when we were going. We always travel alone because who can take another couple 24 hours a day for 12 days? We like to do our own thing our own way.
Well, one couple -- good friends of ours -- casually mentioned they might be joining us and we are horrified at the thought. Where do people get the idea that they can invite themselves on someone else's vacation? We don't want to insult them or cause hurt feelings. How do we tell them that we prefer to travel alone without hurting their feelings? -- HORRIFIED IN FLORIDA
DEAR HORRIFIED: Some people assume they are closer friends than they actually are, and others do not understand boundaries. Waste no time in telling these "good friends" that you use these vacations to PRIVATELY renew the romance in your marriage -- and that as much as you like them, having them along on your vacation would destroy the intimacy. Then cross your fingers.