DEAR ABBY: I am a single father with a 14-year-old son. I am not married, but I have a girlfriend.
My problem is my girlfriend likes to run around very scantily clad. I have no problem with this, except she does it in front of my son, or, when he's in the next room she'll run out, naked or half-naked, into the hallway, just barely out of his sight.
I have asked her to stop, but I don't feel I should have to keep asking her that. We are both in our early 30s. She also darts in and out of rooms naked or nearly naked when we are at the homes of relatives. I do not understand why she does this. -- RATTLED IN REDWOOD CITY
DEAR RATTLED: Your girlfriend may have a different standard of modesty than the one with which you were raised, or she could be a bit of an exhibitionist. Your son is a young man now, and whether or not it's intended that way, her nudity could be interpreted by him as seductive.
You should not have to keep reminding her. Tell her once and for all that you don't want your son and your relatives surveying her "assets" -- so in the future, unless you're alone, she MUST keep them covered.