DEAR ABBY: I never married, but I have a 5-year-old daughter. It has been two years since I moved from my hometown and I haven't had a single date here.
I started a new job last August, where I met a man I'll call "Tony." I have not stopped thinking about him since the day we met. Call me crazy, but I think he may be attracted to me as well. He has flirted with me on many occasions, and I see something in his eyes every time he looks at me. I am no fool, Abby. I know when a man is interested.
The problem is, he has not asked me out except for a few lunches. In the five months I've known him, he has been out of the country for 2 1/2 months.
I am usually shy, but I confess I did flirt a little to let him know I was interested. However, I didn't want to appear desperate. He is very shy, too, but I feel deep in my heart that he cares. I have grown fond of him and would like to get to know him better. I know that I can't just ask him out, but I feel there is something special between us. What should I do? -- FEELING AWKWARD IN ONTARIO
DEAR FEELING AWKWARD: Unless there is a company policy that forbids co-workers from dating, I see no reason why you shouldn't ask him to join you for lunch on a weekend or dinner one evening. It's leap year -- so go for broke!