DEAR ABBY: This May, my grandmother, Elizabeth Eichelbaum, will receive her Ph.D. in art therapy from the University of Tennessee. At graduation, she will be 90 years old!
Abby, she received her bachelor's degree at age 69 and her master's at age 81. She has been attending classes the last two years in spite of macular degeneration (she is nearly blind).
Grandmother was separated from her mother when she was a small child in Russia. She lived in the czar's palace during the Russian Revolution, but eventually came to America. Some time after coming to this country, she was reunited with her mother.
Our entire family is extremely proud of her accomplishment, and she is an inspiration to all who know her. If you print this letter, it may inspire others to continue their education no matter what stumbling blocks may be in the way. -- DENNIS J. EICHELBAUM, PLANO, TEXAS
DEAR DENNIS: Your grandmother is an amazing woman, and I admire her determination. My heartfelt congratulations to her for her inspiring accomplishment. Readers, Elizabeth has proved it can be done, so what's stopping you? Go back to school if that is your dream.