DEAR ABBY: I'm worried about Grandpa, who is 96. Ever since Grandma died two years ago, Gramps has been acting like a playboy. Granted, he works out every day and looks like he's only 70, lives independently in his own home and still drives a car. However, Grandpa chases around with women half his age, spending money like it's water, going to social events and sometimes having a cocktail!
Abby, how can I get Grandpa to behave himself, keep those gold-diggers away and stop spending my inheritance?
I've tried talking to him. He says it's his life, he practices safe sex and to mind my own business! Since it's MY inheritance he's wasting, I think it is MY business!
What do you think about this, Abby? -- WORRIED GRANDSON, GLENDALE, CALIF.
P.S. I'm worried his new lifestyle will kill him.
DEAR WORRIED GRANDSON: No, you're not. You're worried that Grandpa's got a new lease on life, and when the lease is up, you'll be broke. Shame on you.