DEAR ABBY: Every year, my husband and his co-workers get together for a holiday dinner at a nice restaurant. More than 20 of them participate. Most of the men are married, but most of the women who work there are single. The problem is that wives are not welcome at these parties.
My husband and I have been married two years. He says this is a nice tradition and that I shouldn't make waves about not being invited.
I can't believe the other wives are happy with this tradition, but to my knowledge, none of them openly object to it. Am I wrong to feel that both members of the couple should be invited to social functions? -- RESENTFUL IN SEATTLE
DEAR RESENTFUL: Yes, you are wrong. Your husband is an employee of the company and does not make the rules. Do not make him feel guilty for attending the dinner without you. These occasions are part of the job. There are plenty of other nights when you and your husband can enjoy a holiday dinner at a nice restaurant of your choosing. So please stop giving him heartburn.