DEAR ABBY: The letter from "Stephanie in Delaware," regarding the compliment she received in high school, reminded me of a compliment that changed my life.
Last September, I was flying home from Pittsburgh. I am one of those "oversized" women who take up the entire airline seat. The plane had three seats on one side of the aisle. Two seats on the other. I had the window seat on the side with two seats.
A good-looking gentleman (if you consider a Cary Grant look-alike good-looking) sat down beside me. He greeted me with a "Good morning," and a great smile. As he buckled his seat belt, he said, "I always feel cramped in these seats. Would you mind if I raised the armrest between us?" I know he didn't feel cramped. He wanted to make sure I was more comfortable.
During our flight, he complimented me on my hairstyle and the "lovely dress" I was wearing. His remarks had a lasting effect on me, Abby. Since that flight, I have lost 23 pounds, thanks to a gentleman who didn't scowl at an overweight woman, but instead, made her feel attractive. -- SLIMMING FAST IN FLORIDA
DEAR SLIMMING FAST: It's not the first time an attractive man has provided the incentive for a woman to do the right thing. Or the wrong thing, for that matter.