DEAR ABBY: How does one make friends after college? This may seem like a dumb question, but I'm having a hard time.
Right after I graduated, I married a wonderful man and moved halfway across the country, leaving all my close friends behind. Having been raised an Army brat, I never had trouble adjusting to new situations until now.
My husband is my best friend and a great companion, but I miss having girlfriends in my life -– to cry over silly movies with, and go shopping, and share "girl talk."
I am working two jobs, so time is scarce, and I don't have the money to join a gym so I can meet people. My day job provides limited contact with the public, and at both jobs my co-workers are decades older than me.
So far, the only people I've met my own age are all single, and they like to party and do singles things. I'm happy with my guy, so of course I'm not into that.
Ideally, I'd like to meet other couples so I can make some female friends, and we can send "the boys" out to do macho things. I'm hoping you can help me, Abby. -- FRIENDLESS IN THE TEXAS PANHANDLE
DEAR FRIENDLESS: Please don't write off the possibility of forming friendships with older people. They can be great mentors and can also have children or extended family who are your age.
Since your time for socializing is limited, consider exploring relationships at your place of worship or among your husband's co-workers.