DEAR ABBY: I am a single mother with two delightful children under 10. My ex and I have been divorced for seven years. It is his choice to have no contact with his children.
Three months ago, I met "Nate." Since then, we have spent a lot of time together. He has restored my faith and trust in men. Sine Nate and I are still getting to know each other, I feel it is too soon to introduce my children to him. I really think Nate could be "the one," but if our relationship doesn't work out, I don't want my children to be hurt by losing another male role model.
The problem is my mother. She takes care of my children and strongly believes that now is the time for the kids to meet Nate. I disagree, and my mother now refuses to take care of my children.
Am I prudent to wait to introduce Nate to my children until I am more confident about where our relationship is going, or is my mother right? -- TRYING TO BE A GOOD MOM
DEAR TRYING: For your mother to try to blackmail you into doing what she wants by refusing to watch the children is both controlling and wrong. Your children need continuity in their lives right now -- not the turbulence that could result if your love life became a revolving door.
Stand firm, and arrange for alternative child care until you know more about where your relationship with Nate is going.
P.S. Although your mother's tactics are heavy-handed, it's nice to know she approves of Nate.