DEAR ABBY: I was maid of honor in my cousin "Denise's" wedding. As such, I helped her to get a good deal on her photography. My close friend, "Arthur," had just begun shooting professionally, and photographed the wedding for a greatly reduced price.
My problem is that Denise never paid Arthur. It has been several months, and Arthur finally asked me if I would track her down because she has not return his repeated phone calls.
Denise admitted that she spent the money on cosmetic dentistry, but now more time has elapsed, and she still hasn't paid him.
My cousin claims she will pay Arthur "one day," but I am embarrassed and angry. How should I handle this? Denise is not an easy person to confront -- she is easily offended and moody. -- CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE, OAKLAND, CALIF.
DEAR CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE: Your cousin Denise is more than easily offended and moody -- she's also a deadbeat. Step back and do not allow yourself to be put in the middle. If the bride signed a contract with the photographer, he may have to take her to small claims court in order to get the money she owes him. It's not a pretty picture, but it's the unfortunate truth.