DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are thrilled to be expecting our first child in August. A few months ago, a girlfriend, "Marie," and I were discussing names. Marie mentioned that she had always liked the name Brooke. I told her that I'd always liked it, too.
Now that I'm pregnant, my husband and I want to name our baby Brooke if it's a girl. When I told Marie, she became angry. She said the name was her idea because her deceased mother's last name was similar to Brooke -- so she should be able to use the name if she ever has another daughter.
Abby, I'm pregnant NOW. Marie has no idea when she'll be having her next baby -- if ever. We live 3,000 miles apart and have no friends in common, so it's not like there would be any confusion over who's who. Am I being unreasonable? I would appreciate your take on this. -- GOING FOR BROOKE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA
DEAR GOING FOR BROOKE: You're not being unreasonable. Your friend is being petty. Since there are no copyrights on names, name your baby whatever you choose -- and don't apologize.