DEAR ABBY: I am a 29-year-old married woman, and I dearly love my husband and child. However, I think I've fallen head over heels for my "first love" (I'll call him Cliff) all over again.
I recently ran into Cliff at the hardware store, and after talking a while, we went riding around in his car -- just like we did when we were in high school. Then we parked and started making out.
Cliff confessed that for the past 10 years he's felt HE was meant to be my husband, and letting me go was the biggest mistake of his life. The terrible thing is, now I'm wishing I had married him, too.
For the past month we've been secretly meeting downtown three times a week. All we do is drive around, park and neck -- nothing more. When I'm with him, I feel like a teenager again. I still love him, Abby, and I'm so confused I cry in my pillow. Sign me ... BACK IN LOVERS' LANE
DEAR BACK IN LOVERS' LANE: You may be just "two teenagers in love" in your fantasies, but in reality you're two adults who are begging for trouble. You're playing a dangerous game that could devastate your husband and affect your child. Before any more clandestine meetings, it's time to sit down and sort out what's really important to you. Counseling can help you discover what is missing in your marriage that has made a second adolescence so appealing. Don't put it off.