DEAR ABBY: When I was in high school 10 years ago, I had a huge crush on "Jimmy." We were friends -- nothing more. After graduation, Jimmy and I went our separate ways.
I eventually met someone else and I am now happily married with two young children. However, I have never completely forgotten Jimmy. I look for him from time to time on the Internet -- and daydream about him often.
My high school reunion was last summer. For the first time in a decade, I finally saw Jimmy again and met his wife. To my disappointment, we did not pick up where we left off and had very little to say to each other. But seeing him gave me butterflies in my stomach. My daydreams about him are now stronger than ever.
Why can't I get him out of my mind? I know nothing is ever going to happen, but I feel like I'm being unfaithful to my husband. Please help.-- DISTRACTED WIFE IN THE LONE STAR STATE
DEAR DISTRACTED WIFE: You need to find out why you have chosen to obsess about a romance that never was and never will be. Until you do, you'll never be completely satisfied. Please don't think you're alone in having this problem. Fishermen and hunters often can't forget "the one that got away." Individual counseling will help you get the answers you're looking for.