DEAR ABBY: My mother was fired from her job 11 months ago and has not yet found work. She drew unemployment, but that has run out. However, her real problem is, she thinks the devil is living in her home and raping her every night.
She also thinks this man at work she had a crush on, and who kept rejecting her, is living in her house.
She often talks about killing herself. My aunts say she is fine, but she is NOT fine. She refuses to get professional help. How can I help her? -- WORRIED DAUGHTER IN ILLINOIS
DEAR WORRIED DAUGHTER: Unless your mother actually does something to prove she is a danger to herself or to others, there is little you can do except watch her closely. Her doctor should be notified about her delusions and her threats, but no one can force her into treatment unless she acts out.
You might also try talking to her spiritual adviser about her problem, and see if some sort of intervention can be done. But I really think her problem is psychological.