DEAR ABBY: I'm 19. My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. Eventually we want to be married. Our relationship is great. We are committed to each other in every way. Of course, we have our disagreements, but neither of us has ever cheated.
I'm considering marriage now rather than later because I will be moving to Florida for school next fall, and he won't be coming with me right away.
Abby, is it silly to think about marriage as a way to ensure that the distance between us won't tear up apart? Or should I wait till I finish school? -- THINKING ABOUT MARRIAGE
DEAR THINKING: Wait until you finish school. The college years represent a significant intellectual and emotional growth spurt for most people. There is the possibility that by the time you've graduated, you won't be the same person you are today –- and neither will he. Please don't be afraid of this. Growth is positive.