DEAR ABBY: Every once in a while, you print ordering information for "Please Call Police" banners. I would like to purchase some to use as stocking stuffers this Christmas for my daughters and nieces, and also one for myself. I am single, disabled, and occasionally drive on the highways. Once I found myself stuck in the middle of nowhere. When I tried using my cell phone to summon help, I learned I was in a "no reception" area. It's tough being a woman alone these days. Having the banners in my glove compartment will give me peace of mind. Thanks, Abby. -- GERRI IN BUTTE, MONT.
DEAR GERRI: I'm pleased to reprint the information. The "Please Call Police" banners have proven time and again to be a genuine lifesaver in an emergency. Your orders will not only provide a safety measure for you and the people you love, but they'll also assist WCIL in providing much-needed services for individuals with disabilities. (I keep two banners in my glove compartment -- one for the windshield and one for the rear window.)
The banners can be ordered by writing to the Westside Center for Independent Living, a nonprofit organization that helps people with disabilities to live more independent lives. You will receive one banner for a $5 contribution, and another banner for each additional $4 contribution. (Please include $1 per order for postage and handling.)
To order, send a check or money order (U.S. funds only, please) to: WCIL Banners, P.O. Box 92501, Los Angeles, CA 90009. Allow four to eight weeks for delivery. For more information, visit the WCIL Web site at and click on the "Safety Banner" link.