DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend cheated on me -- and I'm only 12! We were going out for nine months, and one day after school, I saw him kissing a girl in back of the school building. He's 14, and she is older than him.
Am I too young to be dealing with this kind of problem? Heck, am I too young to have a boyfriend at all? Please answer this, Abby. I need advice. -- "KITTY" IN ARIZONA
DEAR KITTY: I'm sure it was a blow seeing someone you thought you had an exclusive relationship with kissing someone else. The years between 10 and 13 can be a particularly difficult time for girls. You are no longer a little girl, and you are not yet a teenager. (There used to be a saying, "Too old for toys and too young for boys," that describes the situation.)
At your age, if you are "going out" at all, it should be in groups. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be interested in boys -- this won't be the last one you have romantic feelings for -- but for now, a 14-year-old boy is too advanced for you, and you should slow down