DEAR ABBY: I am a 12-year-old girl in the sixth grade. At my school, the sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders all have classes together.
Lately, I've noticed the eighth-graders seem to think they are better than us sixth-graders. They make a point of letting us know that they are bigger, cooler and more grown-up than we are.
I am fed up. They were sixth-graders once, too. How do I handle them? They are only two years older, but they seem to think they're practically adults and that we're only about 4. Please help. -- ANNOYED IN ASHLAND, ORE.
DEAR ANNOYED: My advice is to be patient and bide your time. Two catchphrases come to mind. They are, "Big fish in a small pond," and "Time wounds all heels."
Next fall, those snobbish eighth-graders will be headed for high school. No longer will they be the "most grown-up" students in school. On the contrary, they will be insignificant minnows in a much larger pool. They'll receive from the sophomores, juniors and seniors the same treatment they are giving you. Remember that when you're in the eighth grade and interacting with students in the lower grades. It's a lesson in humility.