DEAR ABBY: I'll get right to the point. I have fallen in love with my sister's boyfriend and he with me, so he says. We have been lovers from the first moment we realized our feelings for each other were mutual, and have been hiding them from my sister ever since.
"Greg" is not only handsome, but he listens to whatever I say, takes it into thoughtful consideration and gives me honest feedback. I have tried to let him go and found it quite impossible. He is the most precious thing in my life and he has my whole heart.
Since this has been going on, I have become more and more confused about how I should act, what I should say and do. However, my love for Greg grows. I don't want to hurt my sister, but we were never very close to begin with. Is this relationship worth my pain and great love? -- LITTLE SISTER IN NEW HAMPSHIRE
DEAR LITTLE SISTER: Let's get right to the point. The man you have fallen in love with lacks integrity. He is your sister's boyfriend, and he's juggling both of you. The longer the sneaking around continues, the greater your chances that it will be discovered. And when it is, it will cause a rift in your family and Greg will head for the hills. My advice to you is to end it NOW.