DEAR ABBY: I am a 45-year-old single mom. My last romantic relationship ended more than a year and a half ago, after he cheated on me. I have not been out on any dates or anything, and I am a hard-working mom.
I recently met in person a guy I have been talking with for over a year. He has been here to visit, and my son, who is 14, told me that my mother -- his grandmother -- has asked him if this guy and I were sleeping together.
Can you please tell me how to handle this, as my son does not want me to let his grandmother know that he has told me this?
I have been very proud of myself for spending time alone for more than a year, getting to know myself and not settling for whatever comes along. I am appalled that my mother would, first of all, ask my 14-year-old son that question, and second, that she can't just for once be happy that I have someone in my life, even if the person is not up to her standards -- which never could be met in the first place. Please help me with this. -- UPSET IN DANVILLE, KY.
DEAR UPSET: I don't blame you for being upset. Your mother's question was out of line.
You and your mother are overdue for a face-to-face visit. While you're together, ask her if there are any questions she would like to ask you "woman to woman." I don't know whether she will have the nerve to ask you what she asked your son, but she should be made to understand that your son does not keep secrets from you -- and if she has any questions about your sex life in the future, they should be directed to you, and you alone.