DEAR ABBY: I am a 24-year-old woman who has been married for four months to an amazing man. We have a wonderful marriage and are looking forward to growing old together. However, I have a slight problem:
I have a baby blanket I have had since I was a baby and have slept with it since before I could walk. When I turned 16, I told myself I'd get rid of it. Sixteen turned to 18, 18 turned into getting rid of it when I graduated from college, which turned into getting rid of it when I married.
I am now married and have no intention of getting rid of it. I guess I've held onto it because it's familiar. (We moved far from home after our wedding.) My husband says he doesn't mind, and I'm sure he's not lying, but it's a little embarrassing. I can't fall asleep without it. I even watch TV with it in my lap or read with it behind my head.
Do you think it's ridiculous for me to have a baby blanket at 24 with a new, wonderful husband, or should I just keep it and not worry? -- K.T., IN KENTUCKY
DEAR K.T.: Your "problem" may be unusual, but it's not unheard of. Your "blanky" is familiar and soothing, and since your husband doesn't mind, I see no reason why you should be concerned about keeping it. Enjoy!